Promote your business while making a difference!

We need sponsors like you!

Benefits Your Business!

Benefits Your Business!

  • Donations to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax-deductible, allowing businesses to reduce their taxable income. This can result in significant tax savings while also demonstrating corporate responsibility.

  • Supporting a nonprofit shows the community that a business is committed to making a positive impact. This fosters goodwill, strengthens customer loyalty, and can even attract like-minded clients or partners.

  • Partnering with a nonprofit can open doors to networking opportunities with other community leaders, businesses, and stakeholders. It also helps businesses connect with local communities, boosting visibility and creating meaningful relationships.

For Cleveland businesses, partnering with and supporting St. Bonaventure Academy's mission provides tangible benefits that contribute to the success and sustainability of your business

  • By addressing root causes of economic and social challenges in our target area, SBA works to lower crime rates over time, creating a safer and more manageable environment for businesses.

  • Our focus on education, skill development, and mentorship prepares a more skilled and dependable workforce for local businesses.

  • By uplifting families and creating opportunities, we contribute to a more economically stable community, ensuring a robust local customer base.

  • SBA instills values of respect, accountability, and service in its students and their families, fostering a culture that supports local businesses and helps them thrive.

Additional Benefits

  • Revitalizing the community and reducing economic disparities can lead to increased property values, benefiting local business owners.

  • Supporting SBA demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility, which resonates with customers and helps enhance your business's reputation in the community.

Registration is quick and easy!

    • Verbal acknowledgment as a Supporter during the event's opening ceremony.

    • Listing as a supporter on St. Bonaventure Academy's website.

    • Company name listed on one event banners and promotional materials.

    • Verbal acknowledgment as a Silver Sponsor during the event's opening ceremony.

    • Two complimentary tickets to the VIP reception of one event.

    • Listing as a sponsor on St. Bonaventure Academy's website.

    • Company name included on two event banners and promotional materials.

    • Recognition as a Gold Sponsor in event press releases and media coverage.

    • Verbal acknowledgment as a Gold Sponsor during the event's opening ceremony.

    • Opportunity to set up a branded booth or display at the event venue.

    • Four complimentary tickets to the VIP reception of two events.

    • Listing as a sponsor on St. Bonaventure Academy's website

    • Company logo featured on four event banners and promotional materials.

    • Recognition as a Premiere Sponsor in event press releases and media coverage.

    • Verbal acknowledgment as a Premiere Sponsor during the event's opening ceremony.

    • Opportunity to set up a branded booth or display at the event venue.

    • Six complimentary tickets to the VIP reception of four events.

    • Listing as a sponsor on St. Bonaventure Academy's website, including logo.

    • Prominent display of company logo on all event materials, including banners, posters, and promotional materials.

    • Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor in all event press releases and media coverage.

    • Verbal acknowledgment as a Platinum Sponsor during the event's opening ceremony.

    • Opportunity to set up a branded booth or display at the event venue.

    • Ten complimentary tickets to the VIP reception of each event.

    • Listing as a sponsor on St. Bonaventure Academy's website, including logo.

    • Dedicated appreciation page on our website, featuring marketing of your services. Our specialized team will collaborate with your PR department to ensure a successful strategy.

    • One year, Dormie Network Membership!