“The freedom of thought is a sacred right of every individual man, and diversity will continue to increase with the progress, refinement, and differentiation of the human intellect.”
-Felix Adler
Blended Learning
Instructors excel at designing hands-on, independent learning activities tailored to challenge each student at their individual level, fostering growth. These activities are meticulously crafted using the student data generated during their computer-led instructional sessions
As blended learning involves student-centered learning and computer-led instruction, it enables instructors to prioritize one-on-one time with each student. Small group learning introduces students to new material in a supportive environment that nurtures relationships, trust, and confidence. Instructors value and leverage this time, empowering themselves to differentiate their approach to meet the unique needs of every student.
Via computer-led instruction, students are individually challenged on a deeper level. Proven computer programming encourages students to engage in a fun and progressive self-challenge, all while supplying essential day-to-day data for personalized small group instruction. The programming employed at SBA undergoes continuous evaluation and improvement as necessary.
Numbers don’t deceive.
CEO & Founder, Carrie Grace states “As an administrator, I had the opportunity to witness the positive outcomes of blended learning firsthand. The charts to the right illustrate the remarkable growth rates in reading and math from the Fall of 2018, when blended learning was introduced, to the Winter of 2020, prior to the challenges presented by the pandemic. During this period, we observed a 400% increase in reading proficiency and a 100% increase in math proficiency.”